Thursday, June 3, 2010

Everyone Deserves to Breathe Shirts!

New Empire Apparel — Changing The World, One Shirt at a Time!: "The proceeds will be donated to Ashley Drew and her family. Ashley is a graduate student in Instrumental Conducting at the University of Maine.She was born with Cystic Fibrosis and will be undergoing a double lung transplant."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

1st collaped lung, w chect tube...

2008 Collapsed lung! WOW! Not fun!! Didnt know what was wrong with me, slept, sweated, went to work, then finally took my butt to the ER to find out that I had a collapsed lung. :o(


Very excited! I leave for the Beach in 3 days!! Lets just hope my lungs cooperate! 2008 I couldnt go bc my lung collapsed, so my friends had togo without me. 2009 I was having trouble breathing, and the week after my lung had a small leak and I was hospitalized, but I had a great tan....So this year 2010 lets hope and pray that I am healthy and my lungs are too!!! :o)

Short of breath and pain in colar bone area?

yday at dinner I was finished with my dinner, and I started to get pain when I breathed in around my collar bones, and then tightness there...We went home, I did my medication and nothing helped. So I went to bed. I was getting oxygen alright, and could breathe fine and wasnt congested. Nothing to cough up. This morning my throat felt more closed off and tight especially when I tilted my head back, and I have this small weezing that will not go away even when i try to im thinking it swolen in there? I have no pain now, but when I breathe and swallow it feels like somthing is in there, when I burp, it feels like it has a hard time coming out. If I had an adams apple it would feel tight with pressure not sure what the deal is. Im glad the pain is gone. I though maybe a panic attach? who knows, but they do not last this long.

I called my word back yet.

Well a yeast infection in my throat from my levaquin...

My CF out and the open!

I have never really been open with my CF until I was about 17. I didnt want anyone to know I had it, not even my closest friends and def not the boys I liked! All through elementary school I was in and out, bc I was sick all the time. The kids never knew why, but my class would always send me get well cards (home made) every time I was out....which I loved getting them! I would be out for 2-3 weeks at a time, and somehow always managed to pass each grade (bc my mom or dad would go to the school and get my home work and I would do it in the hospital) NOW I am very open about it, and answer and qustions that anyone might have about it! I have been posting on fb, sending out letters, and invites about cf and rasing money for the walk we justhad on May 15th! I have had ppl that I went to school with not even know I had it! Guess I did a pretty good job hiding it huh? Well not anymore!! I think my parents being so strict on me growing up bc of my cf and bc they are just great parents, have made me turn into the person I am, and with out cf or them who would I be??? In trouble, jail, drugs?? who knows! I have seen my friends in high school turn out that way...and I am thankful that I have cf, bc I think that it has made me a better stronger person!! <3 <3 <3

Finally my Pulmozyme again!

Finally after calling, faxing, calling, faxing, messages after messages I finally get my Drs office to have my Dr just sign a simple piece of paper for medical nessisity and fax to the drug company. This was a 3 week process of all of this BS. I had to be mean to get want I wanted, and I hate being mean!! But girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!! Actucally now that I think of it its been almost 4!! 4 weeks that I have been with out it...I had gotten my part done which took about a week, but the other it was me hounding my drs office to get the sig. I mean im not just wanting it bc i want to snort my medication like some crack heads do....I need it to LIVE and BREATHE!! Well just thought Id vent, and FINALLY will have mymeds Monday!!

more levaquin....

I had the doc call me in some more levaqin yesterday bc I thought after being on it for 10 and off for 7 I needed more to get rid of it all....I do not like to be on antibodics all the time, for fear I will get used to it and they will not work....but I can already breathe better just from taking it lastnight...weird? Oh well I like feeling good and now If i can get my docs office to do their part on getting me another shipment of my pulmozyme we will be good to go. Its hard getting a hold of them there!

Another collpased lung or pneumonia??

I went to the ER 3 weeks ago the day after my Boyfriends best friends funeral. I knew something was wrong before, but I had more important obligations at the time, and I could hold off for my health. I needed to be there for my boyfirend, bc he is ALWAYS there for me and always thinks about my health nore than I I needed to be there. I went to the ER the day after bc I thought I had another collapsed lung, 7 hours later, 4 breathing treatments, 1 xray and 1 cat san later...I had pneumonia! What! I havet had that since I was little! My O2 was 88% so ya know I could barly breahte! At the funeral I had to take several rests going to and from the grave sight and even had to sit in the car afterward while the boys were saying their goodby and do my Oxygen...I have never had to do that before, I thought I was going to pass out. I slept with it on all night, then the next day is when I went and found out the above. They put me on Levaquin which makes my legs hurt...but it beats not being able to breahte. I got a lecture from my boyfriend about tnot taking care of myself and I thought he was going to cry, he said he couldnt take loosins me to in a matter of words. So we made a pact...and he layed down the law....every since then, I have been trying to do my best! My boyfiend is doing better but still has his moments, im just glad I can be there for him when he needs me. I pray that nothing like that happens again to loose someone so close!!!!!! Every DAY I pray that!!

2010 Great Strides Walk, WV

Well...I think that the day went well, very well!! My team Just Breathe came in 2nd for the most money raised!! WOOO HOOOO!! Total was 30,000.00 for all teams combined! Very excited about that! My team consisted of 21 walkers! Very toughted to have thoses ppl ther for me and my fellow Cfers!!