Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My CF out and the open!

I have never really been open with my CF until I was about 17. I didnt want anyone to know I had it, not even my closest friends and def not the boys I liked! All through elementary school I was in and out, bc I was sick all the time. The kids never knew why, but my class would always send me get well cards (home made) every time I was out....which I loved getting them! I would be out for 2-3 weeks at a time, and somehow always managed to pass each grade (bc my mom or dad would go to the school and get my home work and I would do it in the hospital) NOW I am very open about it, and answer and qustions that anyone might have about it! I have been posting on fb, sending out letters, and invites about cf and rasing money for the walk we justhad on May 15th! I have had ppl that I went to school with not even know I had it! Guess I did a pretty good job hiding it huh? Well not anymore!! I think my parents being so strict on me growing up bc of my cf and bc they are just great parents, have made me turn into the person I am, and with out cf or them who would I be??? In trouble, jail, drugs?? who knows! I have seen my friends in high school turn out that way...and I am thankful that I have cf, bc I think that it has made me a better stronger person!! <3 <3 <3

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